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Pupil Voice projects


Brampton Eco action plan for this half term   

  1. We are continuing to recycle plastics at lunchtime. It was decided that we are going to introduce a no waste Wednesday once a month to help further reduce the use of plastics used in school.

We will check lunchboxes from a Thursday to a Wednesday and choose 4 eco lunchboxes. The 4 with the least single use plastic will receive 5 merits for their house team and be rewarded with a certificate.

  1. The Eco group are very keen on the crisp recycling. The children collected crisp packets and recycled them to cover a box. The box will then be used to store the empty packets in. Each month these will be taken to a Terracycle collection point and then be recycled rather than go to landfill.
  2. As spring is just around the corner, we wanted to start to think about the wildlife. We talked about how we could support the birds at this important time and thought about how we could encourage more birds into our gardens.
  3. The plan was to design a bird feeder, using only recycled things that would both look nice and stand up to the weather. Children can draw their design first, and then build it. Once their bird feeders are made, they can bring them into school and hang them up around outside. We will choose 4 winners, one from each class. The 4 winners will receive an Eco-certificate.
  4. In our group meeting, we thought it would be nice to try and include all the staff and children in our school. So the idea of an Eco suggestion box where adults and children can share their ideas on how we can be a more Eco friendly school.

Road Safety Officers

Brampton Primary School’s Junior Road Safety Officers are Opie, James, Poppy and Sophia. We have had a busy year so far! We had a great time on our Bike Ability course where we learnt how to: pass stationary vehicles, use correct signalling and how to negotiate the road around us. We all gained our Level 2 award and feel very proud of ourselves. 

We have also ran some road safety themed competitions and handed out some bright and colourful prizes in assembly. 

We have recently had an online meeting with Ann Battershill (Suffolk County Council’s Road Safety Officer) where we have been showing her our work so far this year. Ann has given us some great tips too! 

We are looking forward to the rest of the year where we plan to deliver some more assemblies on topics important to us, make some road safety posters to put up in the wider community to spread the word and hold a non uniform day to raise some money for the BRAKE road safety charity who help people involved in road traffic accidents.

Fire Safety Committee

The fire safety group in the last term have been very busy indeed. They have arranged a fire drill and ensured that all staff have successfully got all children out of the building safely including ensuring that they have brough medications needed and shut windows and doors etc... At the end the group then asked Mr Jeal if he is happy that all children in the school are counted and safe. 

The group have helped year 1 and 2 with sparklers and completed a safety talk. 

They have been given their own group badges to wear with pride addressing what group they are in. 

They helped with KS1 and the fire engine visit and safety helping the little people who are scared.  

They also addressed an issue of the school gates being open and have enjoyed the responsibility of daily safety checks of closing and locking the gates and checking the cloakrooms for tidyness addressing this where necessary.

Also the group have made a newsletter to go to parents explaining who they are, why they do it and what they plan to do in the future (This will need adjustment when we return).

This term the safety group will continue to shut the gates outside the front of the school as this gives them great pride as a community to ensure their friends are safe.  They will add a more formal checklist of their daily/ weekly checks they have completed.  They will make a formal report sheet to present to Mr Jeal with any problems they notice around the school. 

The group will arrange a summer term fire drill with a twist adding realistic features.And lastly they will ensure all internal safety glass is cleared of pictures and artwork according to the Fire Officers advice

Sports Committee

Sports leaders held an assembly, they talked about the rules of the playground and the importance of putting away and looking after equipment. They also talked about the rules of some of the lunchtime games and modelled how to use some of equipment safely.

Sports leaders also designed a questionnaire which was given to every pupil. The recorded the results and acted upon therm.

For sports relief they organised a carousel of activities in the hall.

They also held a bounce and catch challenge for reception, year 1/2 and year 3/4.  They had 1 minute to bounce and catch a ball using the rebound nets. Year 5/6 challenge was to bounce a tennis ball as many times as they could with a racket in 1 minute.

Next term they had decided to find ways to promote the outside gym equipment. They felt that the gym equipment was not being used to its full potential and that sometimes it was not being used correctly.

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