Remote learning
Here is our guide to how we provide our remote learning offer. The Early Years pupils are accessing learning through Tapestry and the Key Stage One and Two children through google classroom. Someone is on the end of the phone every day at school to help with any issues.
Parent protocols
Remote Learning Protocols for Parents
All pupils are expected to participate in online lessons if they are not coming into school. We ask that the following guidelines are adhered to during times of remote learning for pupils.
You will be informed of online teaching schedules, arrangements and the work your child has been set through posts from your child’s class teacher on Google Classroom. You must be logged in as your child to access any information posted on Google Classroom.
Online provision
Two live sessions will take place each week at a time specified by the class teacher. Google Meet will be used for this session and it is accessible via Google Classroom.
The school’s Behaviour Policy will be applied as normal throughout any online learning
Participation in live sessions
Cameras must be turned on and children must be visible at all times for safeguarding reasons.
We ask that children join the lesson suitably dressed, please.
You do not need to sit with your child during the live session.
Please ensure that backgrounds are appropriate for all participants to see.
Access to live sessions will only be granted to pupils using their school Google account.
All online sessions will be delivered and supervised by an Association member of staff.
No recording of live sessions is permitted.
Attendance and completion of assignments are monitored to ensure that no pupil falls behind andso alternative provision can be put in place if necessary.
Teachers will conduct phone calls home if pupils have not engaged in lessons to see if there is any way in which they can help.
Devices can be loaned to pupils to take part if necessary.
National Online Safety documents
Pupil protocols
Remote Learning Guidelines for Pupils
These guidelines are to help keep you safe while accessing Google Classroom at home.
I agree that:
- I will only Google Classroom and GSuite apps for school work or things I have permission to post. I know that school will monitor my use of Google Classroom.
- I will keep my username and password safe and secure and I will not try to use any other person’s username and password.
- I will not share any personal information about myself or others when online.
- I will immediately report any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable when I see it online.
- I will respect others’ work and property and will not copy any other user’s files, without the owner’s knowledge and permission.
- I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others, I will not use strong or inappropriate language.
- I will not take or distribute images of anyone or record any online lessons.
- I understand the risks and will not try to upload, download or access any materials which are inappropriate or illegal or may cause harm or distress to others.
- I understand that I am responsible for my actions, both in and out of school.
- I know that the school’s behaviour rules still apply to online learning.
Live sessions
- I will keep my camera on at all times during online lessons.
- I will only use my school account to join lessons or Google Classroom.
- I will come to the lesson dressed in suitable clothes and have an appropriate background for others to see