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British Values at Brampton CE Primary School

In line with the Department for Education's five part definition, we promote the following British Values at our school;

        democracy            the rule of Law           indiviual Liberty           mutual Respect          tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

The children and staff will encounter these principles throughout everyday school life. These values are explicitly taught through spiritual, moral, social and cultural but also in a range of other ways including weekly assemblies, Re lessons and PSHE sessions. British Values are also interwoven into our skills based curriculum so the children have meaniful contexts to explore the values.

We believe that the active promotion of British Values will enable the children to develop a real sense of community and begin to develop their understanding of their roles and responsibilities within it.

The children are given opportunities to apply their understanding of British Values through whole school approaches such as the school council and the ethos commity.

Whole School Collective Worship

The children attend an assembly once a week led by the British Values leader. These assemblies focus on the importance of British Values within our school setting and the wider community. The children are exposed to lots of current events to give them meaningful contexts to discuss and then offer their ideas and opinions.

Examples of this include;


The Australian Forest Fires

The British Flooding

As well as discussing these events as a whole school they also have the opportunity to record their thoughts to share with the whole school community. Example of these are added to the British Values display.


This display shows how we embed the British Values in our school and on this particular week how we feel about what is happening in the wider community. The question was;

How important is it for us to know the weather forecast?

Some of the responses included;

This value represents individual liberty and focused on the importance of listening to advice and warnings to keep us safe.

British values display Brampton

In October we celebrated Black History Month. Our collective worship task was to think which British value did the people show.

Other Collective Worship

Other focus collective worship in the term include a forum and sharing assembly. 

Forum assemblies allow for lots of ideas and opinions regarding school life. Focuses have been 'how to make playtimes better, E-Safety discussions and how to raise money for charities such as Children in Need'. There is a real focus on democracy and all of the other values are very much present. 

Sharing assemblies are a celebration of the children's positive attitudes towards their learning and the wonderful work they produce. Mutual respects is a key focus in these assemblies but again all of them apply.


We have many commities within our school community which promotes democracy and all of the school community plays are part in;

            Ethos Commitee                     Eco Commitee                      Digital Leaders                   Junior Road Safety ​                Sports Commitee

Cultural Diversity

We have also had a focus in school about the importance of respecting others and understanding that everyone is different as individuals. Having a strong self-identity is encouraged and showing tolerance of others is vital.

We have used different books to support the children to develop their understanding of this.

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