As a Church of England School, collective worship is in accordance with the doctrine of the Church of England. We have very strong links to our local church - St Peters. Rev. Phil Miller visits us regularly for a thought provoking assembly. . We all enjoy going to the church for special services such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter when the children enjoy the sense of place and occasion, as well as being part of the wider community.
Click here to visit the Church of England Website where you can view our School's Church Report
Click here to visit information about St Peter's Church
Hi, I’m the Rev Phil Miller. It’s a great pleasure to be a Foundation Governor for Bramfield, Brampton and Ringsfield Schools. I’m usually in school on a Thursday, leading Collective Worship with my colleague An Hastings-Payne. My dog, Lily, and I often are around at the end of the school day at Ringsfield to say, ‘Hello’ to the children and their parents.
My Mum was a primary school teacher and my daughter is very involved in children’s education. I have previously served as Governor at Crowfoot Primary School (now Beccles Primary Academy) where I was Chair of Governors for several terms.
I look forward to meeting you in and around school or at our Harvest, Easter and Leavers services in the local churches