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Year 3 and 4

Welcome to the year 3 and 4 class. We are the lower part of Key Stage 2.

Children in our class are aged 7-9 years old

Our class teachers are : Mr Jeal and Mrs Nixon.  As well as our main class teachers we have specialist teachers who deliver some of our learning: Mark teaches PE and Mrs Crawley teaches Art.

We are supported in class 5 days a week by our teaching assistants - Mrs Churchyard and Miss Andrews  

Within year 3 and 4 we learn English and mathematics most mornings. Our English sessions include time spent on reading, writing, speaking and listening and spelling. Our Maths sessions follow a mastery curriculum working through addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measure, geometry and times tables. Our Mathematics curriculum teaches a mixture of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. In our afternoon sessions we learn a further range  of subjects; topic (including History or Geography), Science, Music, French, PE, Art, RE, PSHE and we take part in gardening sessions as part of a whole school timetable.  Each term we are invited to attend at least one after school club and have the option of learning guitar and piano in school with a specialst music teachers.

You can find out more about our topics and areas of learning  by exploring the curriculum overviews and long term plans. There is also more detail about areas of learning in our half termly newsletters. 


Year 3 and 4 newsletters

Y34 HW Preview-400

See Class Updates on our Instagram Page

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