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School Day

Currently Brampton Primary School start times and finish times are as follows:

A Typical School Day

8.50am Children arrive go to classrooms 

9.00am Registration

9.00am – 10.30am Learning Time

10.30am – 10.45 Breaktime

10.45am – 12.00am Learning Time

12.00pm – 1.00pm Lunchtime

1.00pm – 3.30pm Learning Time

The doors open at 8.50am for children to enter the school. We like to start promptly at 9.00am

Teachers mark children in late if they arrive after 9.00am.

Please ensure that your child has everything that they need for their day in school including water bottles, coats and appropriate footwear for the weather.

Class teachers will inform you when PE kits are required.

Please ensure that all personal possessions are clearly named to avoid a mountain of lost property or items going missing.

Please avoid wearing jewellery or make up during the school day.

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